this is going to be fun

y’all ever have days so low that even the most “normal” day feels exhilarating? like you have an entirely new appreciation for a job you don’t love but at least you get paid, for your body that may be soft in places you’d prefer it to be lean, but it at least allows you to get on the floor and play with your kids, for your home that isn’t immaculately decorated, but you’re family is all together now that your child is home from the hospital?

perspective changes everything. when you’ve been without, even the smallest bit of extra feels overwhelming or undeserving.

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." —Melody Beattie

being here, for me, is gratitude defined. i’ve gone through thousands of photos of all the things in my life that brought me here. the countless events yet to be posted serve as reminders for who i was at the time and all the adversity happening while showing up and building relationships. the people who took a chance on me, those who were quick to leave and those who doubled down and never let me remember who i was becoming.

so as you find yourself buried in shame, fear, and uncertainty, i so look forward to continuing to build a community that is a little less selfish, a lot less full of speculation, and one that’s willing to cheer for one another’s success. to streamline all the places i’ve been and all the places i’m going into a central hub makes my often disorganized mind very, very happy.

when you’re locked into what’s next for you, nothing can deter that focus. you learn to tune out the noise, recognize who’s watching just to replicate or judge, and who’s just as committed to leaving others better than you found them as you are.

here’s to making katy kinder, houston more hospitable, and this world more willing to consider that just because something’s different doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


making up or moving on